To mark the fifth anniversary of THE BOSTON OLD TIMES, a 60 page A4 sized colour glossy BOOKAZINE EDITION will be published at the end of August 2017, priced £10 and entitled OLD DAYS IN BOSTON.
Features include:
- a 17 page article on Old Boston Pubs and Inns which includes a list of all the Pubs that have closed down and an in-depth look at two of them, an old alehouse called The Borough Arms, and the town's most prestigious Coaching Inn, The Peacock and Royal.
- a 17 page article on the Market Place, with past and present pictures and including a feature on a Market Place Clockmaker and Silversmith.
- Wartime Memories by Margaret Hodgson and Boston in the Eighties by Helen S. Shinn.
- Kitwood Boys School Photo from 1955 with nearly 400 names.
- An index to Issues 1-30 of The Boston Old Times.
The Bookazine can be pre-ordered at £10 per copy. Orders can be posted at a cost of £3 each to addresses in the UK, for overseas orders please contact us for a quote. Cheques should be made payable to the author, Helen S. Shinn.
THE BOSTON OLD TIMES, 1 Silver Court, BOSTON, Lincolnshire. PE21 6JR
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